Sports スポーツ
1. Where is the headquarters of British tennis?
- Liverpool
- Wimbledon
- Love City
2. In football, when did England win the World Cup?
- 1906
- 1966
- Never
3. How many players are there in a cricket team?
クリケットのチームには、選手は 何人いますか。
- Eleven
- Fifteen
- It's a mystery. No-one knows.
4. Where was rugby apparently invented?
- Rugby School
- Rugby Hospital
- Mr Rugby's house
5. Which is the oldest football team in English football?
- Liverpool Football Club
- Sheffield Football Club
- Chelsea Football Club
6. In golf, if you think your ball is going to hit someone in front of you, what do you shout to warn them?
ゴルフでは、打ったボールが前に いる他人に当たりそうな場合、何と 叫んで注意しますか。
- Fore!
- Watch out!
- Oh no! My ball is going to hit your head! Sorry!