History 歴史
1. What was the name of Queen Victoria's husband?
- Andrew
- Albert
- Atsushi
2. Which king signed ‘Magna Carta' in 1215?
- King Arthur
- King John
- King Kong
3. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
- One
- Three
- Six
4. Florence Nightingale looked after the soldiers in which war?
フロレンス・ナイチンゲールはどんな 戦争の兵隊を世話しましたか。
- World War I
- French Revolution
- Crimean War
5. Whose navy did Nelson defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)?
- Napoleon's navy ( France with Spain)
- King Philip II's navy ( Spain)
- Oda Nobunaga's navy (Japan)
6. What machine did James Watt and George Stephenson help to invent?
ワットとスティーブンンソンはどん な機械を発明しましたか。
- Airplane
- Bicycle
- Steam engine